Dnd mode poe что это: Poe dnd mode что это — Тарифы на сотовую связь – Chat console — Official Path of Exile Wiki

Poe dnd mode что это — Тарифы на сотовую связь

LocalN/AChat with nearby players within a town hub or zone instance.
Global#⇧ Shift +Communicate with a multitude of players within the same league.
Party%Ctrl + ⇧ Shift +Chat with all party members.
Whisper@Ctrl +Chat with a specific character only. The keyboard shortcut can be used to reply to the last whisper received.
Trade$Communicate with players for the purpose of trading items.
&Communicate within your guild.
Twitch^Communicate with the twitch.tv chat. Only works when streaming through the Path of Exile client. (This feature is removed)

Global820Masters/Trials/Challenges Group Recruitment
Trade820Paid services (rare challenges, expensive maps, etc.)
Global100Guild Recruitment
Trade800Currency-Only Trading
Trade5055Reddit Trade
Global5055Reddit Global

/helpDisplays a list of most console commands.
/bugReports a bug and gives you the report reference number. Additional information can be provided with .
/ladderDisplays the top ten characters on the current ladder.
/playedDisplays the length of time the current character has been played.
/ageDisplays how long ago the current character was created.
/passivesDisplays a summary of all passive skill points and the Deal with the Bandits reward the character has gained.
/deathsDisplays how many deaths the current character has incurred.
/remainingDisplays how many monsters remain alive in the current area.
/destroyDestroys the item on cursor. Use with caution!
/recoveroldcraftingbenchitemRecovers an item placed in now inaccessible Forsaken Masters crafting bench.
/itemlevelDisplays the level of the item on cursor.
/pvpDisplays Win/Loss/Disconnect statistics for 1v1 and 3v3 PvP.
/fixmyhelmetUpdates an existing non-unique helmet to new art.
/oosForces resync.
/dancePerform a dance.
/statusChange your status. Status is displayed to all friends as an alert when changed, and is shown to friends in the social window.
/debugDisplays debug information.
/inviteSends a party invite to .
/kickKicks from the party.
/party_descriptionChanges the description of the party to .
/tradewithInitiates a trade with . Characters must be in the same town hub instance to trade.
/friendAdds to the friends list.
/unfriendRemoves from the friends list.
/acceptAccepts friend request.
/ignoreAdds a player account specified by character name to the ignore list. No messages will be received from ignored players.
/unignoreRemoves a player account specified by character name from the ignore list.
/squelchAlternative to /ignore. Adds a player account specified by character name to the ignore list.
/unsquelchAlternative to /unignore. Removes a player account specified by character name from the ignore list.
/clear_ignore_listRemoves all player accounts from the ignore list.
/whoisDisplays a character’s level, class, league, and whether he is online.
/afkTurns AFK mode on, replying with when someone whispers you. A default message will be used if one isn’t specified.
/afkoffTurns off AFK mode
/dndToggles Do Not Disturb mode for chat. When on, no messages including whispers will be received. A custom autoreply message will be used if a is added.
/globalJoins global chat channel .
/tradeJoins trade chat channel .
/clsClears the chat console of text.
/hideoutSends you to your hideout. Only useable while in town.
/hideoutSends you to character’s hideout. Only useable while in town.
/menagerieSends you to your Menagerie. Only useable while in town.
/abandon_dailyAbandons your ongoing daily master missions.
/exitExits the game to the Character selection screen.
/reset_xpResets the experience-per-hour estimation tool.
/recheck_achievementsForces a recheck of certain achievements.
/autoreplyReplying with when someone whispers you.